Friday, 2 March 2012



OK where do i start? oh yeah thank you for looking at this blog this is my first one ever in the course of my existence on this weird and wonderful planet we called earth! i will keep it simple and strait forward, lets start with the first random question that comes in mind then and try to answer it and find a solution based on how i view it..................why do we worry so much? i mean what is the point of it all? i know that everyone does it sooner or later in life and some do it more than others to a point that it effects their mental and physical health contributing to all kinds of things like stress, loss of sleep, blood pressure problems and even heart attacks in the long term, i guess it is a human reaction to anger, shock, fear and the unknown but why do we bother if we only have one shot at life? is it a case that some people can control it more than others? or can we all mellow the effects and time spent worrying if we are determined enough to do so?


We all worry because we are all the same no matter what shape colour or size that is why we can all relate to the stressful symptoms of worrying, i can definitely relate to it i have caught my self worrying on a number of times even tough people see me as a very laid back individual but no one is on the inside when i do, but from my experience i believe that we get to a a certain state of mind before we start worrying and by the time we realise we started worrying we've already done it, it might have been triggered by bad news we heard or something. i do believe that the human brain is such a powerful weapon to fight with i mean it is the main computer!


i do believe that the human brain is such a powerful weapon to fight worries with as it is the body's main computer after all!, i have learnt to tackle worrying by training my brain to realise that something is about or has triggered a worrying reaction, so i always keep in mind that in this one and only life we need to be prepared to except that anything can happen at any moment and i always keep these few words planted in my head to help me do so ''if i worry the problem is still going to be there and if i don't it is still going to be there so i choose not to worry'' it can be easily said than done but i truly believe that reasoning in this way helps you to focus on overcoming and doing something about it rather than breaking your mind on something that it might never happen at times.

Best regards


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